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A Pearl In Sorrow's Hand

by Arthur Rollins Savage

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a mythic novel that tells
a timeless story

"A Pearl In Sorrow's Hand" tells the story of Magnus, King of Belvedere, who leaves the comfort of his royal existence to defend his adopted son’s honor on a distant battlefield. His quest leads him to an understanding far different—and far more important—than he had ever dreamed.

Magnus's journey teaches us about the wisdom of listening to our heart, gaining humility, accepting the friendship of strangers, and, most important, believing in the power of forgiveness. 

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From the book



Spring, 1720

Outside Belvedere


A worn cowhide hung over the man’s slumped shoulders, draping the ink black Percheron on which he rode from withers to tail. The man’s deep set brown eyes betrayed exhaustion, his angular face wrinkled and baked by an unrelenting sun, a thick gray beard, unkempt, proliferated across his face and down his leathered neck. His clothes, threadbare and outsized, possessed a beggar’s odor.  A small gold amulet swung across his broad chest like a grandfather clock with every step of the horse’s long gait, the lone indication of title and privilege. Though unrecognizable to the odd passersby, this was Magnus, Knight of the Order and fifth King of Belvedere.  


The north road had deteriorated in Magnus's absence, rutted by a thousand muddy cart trips. This morning, the path ahead was cloaked in remnants of fog that clung to the massive sessile oaks that lined the Hemsford Road. The land of Belvedere, entrusted to him by his father, held the familiar smells of humus, peat, and decaying leaves that had been delivered by spring rains for millennia. These were the cherished fields and forests of his forebears, passed down as expectantly as salt at a banquet table. For five generations, peace had ruled this land. 


Until the battle of Bendargon.


The quiet pounding in his chest rose as he anticipated the Castle’s presence, for he feared what may await him inside its towering granite walls. Despite his inner armor, he clung to the hope that all would be as it had been the day the Belvederan army had left for the north. 


To his left, the great Hemsford River raged southward toward the sea, cascading whitewater that by midsummer would slow to a crawl. It was May and the winter snows had been ample, holding warm days at bay. The cold, unspoiled waters that flowed from high in the Grassmere brought sustenance to the land, greening it and beckoning the farmers into the fields where they would plant for a shortened growing season. This river is the very lifeblood of Belvedere, he thought.


Ahead, at the edge of the dirt path, a hooded figure stood hunched in the flat gray light. A beggar, perhaps, thought Magnus, as his eyes strained to recognize the man. Ahead, one by one, the men nodded respectfully to the elder as they passed. 


Just in front of Magnus lumbered the makeshift jail cart that had been fashioned by the Belvederan soldiers to transport Darkbrow, the defeated nemesis, back from Bendargon to stand trial. How ironic, thought Magnus, that this fallen angel is mere yards from me, his life spared after all the pain he has inflicted. 


As the last comrade passed by, Magnus watched as the bent figure, clad in a dark cloak and laboring upon a crooked staff, turned toward him. Atop his massive horse, Skye, the King approached. As he neared the man, the hood fell back, revealing a truss of gray braids spun into an ornate bun—not a man at all. 


The ancient, haggard face gazed up at him, and as their eyes met, a wellspring of joy filled Bewilder’s heart. He stared down at the timeless spirit, Havelin, the wise and contemplative elder. She offered a broad smile. Of course, he thought, who else but my trusted sage would be first to welcome me home. 


As a child, Magnus was blessed with the finest teachers. His was an education truly fit for a prince, jealously guarded by his mother and sought after by royals near and far. Though surrounded by the most learned scholars of the day, his true education had come during his years spent with Havelin as they crisscrossed the hills and meadows that surrounded Belvedere. She taught him of nature's plenty and life’s endless mysteries. Over the decades, Havelin had been his teacher, guide, sage, and seer, an enigmatic figure whom he loved with all his heart.


The King pulled back on Skye’s reins, trying to yank his boot from its stirrup, his sword sheath clanging at his side. Havelin gazed up at him, waiting patiently, a droll smile spreading across her wrinkled face.


“My dear Havelin!” Magnus exclaimed, his boots finally hitting the dusty path. He rushed to her, gathering her up in his arms, and spun her around.

The "Pearl" Podcast

The podcast will include multiple episodes between 10 and 15 minutes in length. Each episode comprises one or more chapters from the unpublished novel. Episodes may vary in length to accommodate the 10-15 minute time frame, ideal for a quick listen while on the go or in the comfort of one's abode. New episodes will appear in the Episode Listing below. 

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Listen to the sample

Bewilder King of Belvedere Preface and C

Episode List 

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Episodes coming someday!

The Art

The Characters 


King Magnus

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Sir Colin of Evermore

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Havelin, the Sage

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Queen Constance

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Cyril, the Cormysh Elf

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Princess Anne


Diggory, the Mysterious

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Princess Morgan Rose



All artwork copyright 2023 by Arthur Rollins Savage

Card Deck

The Well of Runes 
Ancestor Deck

Coming Soon


This power deck is a portal into the gifts and challenges our ancestors  have bestowed upon each of us as we entered this precious and magical world. As such, it is only as instructional as the reader of the cards chooses to make it. The cards, through divine inspiration, allow for thoughtful introspection and enlightenment.

There are 23 face cards (blue back), 50 rune symbol cards (green back), and  126 mini virtue cards (yellow back). You may place each set of cards face down on the table, fanning them out before you. Select one card from each fanned pile and turn them over in front of you. You may choose to take more than one virtue card to add to the group for more clarity.

From here, it is up to you how you wish to interpret the images, symbols and words before you. Perhaps these cards help you to begin forming  a clearer vision for you, your soul work and your purpose in the world. Perhaps they shed light on gifts that you possess but as of yet have not explored. They may also offer deeper insights into why you are who you are and how you might begin to evolve into the person you wish to become. Whatever the case, may these cards be an ongoing gift to you in your life and the lives of those around you.

My gift to you is free of encumbrances. Please use them as you see fit to perhaps gain a greater understanding of yourself, your ancestral roots and your deeper purpose.

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The deck includes:

  • 4 introduction and instruction cards

  • 23 full-color ancestral cards

  • 51 rune cards

  • 126 virtue cards


Arthur Rollins Savage 
Author - Illustrator


Arthur Rollins Savage hails from the eastern Connecticut shoreline where he was influenced by the creatives of the day.


He traveled internationally in high school and wrote about his experiences in an unpublished memoir upon his return.


Savage studied literature and creative writing at a college in eastern Pennsylvania, graduating with an A.B. degree in English Literature. Upon graduation, he began his writing career in New York City at international advertising and public relations firms. His diverse writing experience includes corporate, not-for-profit, product development, marketing and PR, and creative writing. "A Pearl In Sorrow's Hand" is his first novel.

In 2011, Savage began to focus on pencil drawing. He has produced hundreds of abstract graphite and full-color works since, and his work has been shown throughout the Mountain West. He hopes to include some of his work in "A Pearl In Sorrow's Hand.

Savage resides in the Colorado Rockies.


News & Events 

coming someday, too!

News and Events


For all inquiries, please contact Arthur Rollins Savage


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